Quit wasting money!

Quit wasting money!

It’s hard to miss.  You see it in commercials, stores (grocery, convenience, and even clothing like Macy’s), magazines, and vending machines.  What am I writing about?  Bottled water of course!  It seems to be the popular thing.  Give tap water the boot and drink bottled instead!  I’ve even heard some people say they cook with bottled water.  Tap water is one of the most economical commodities available.

You might say to your self….”Bottled water isn’t very expensive.  I’m not wasting that much money.”  Well lets look at the numbers:

According to the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA),  a study by the Beverage Marketing Corporation in 2016 stated that an average gallon of bottled water cost $1.11.

So just how much tap water can be purchased with that same $1.11?  At Muhlenberg County Water Dist. #3, our flat rate is $17.75/2000 gallons!  This equals $.008875/gallon.  Thus 124.72 gallons of tap water can be purchased for what ONE gallon of bottled water cost!!!  Crazy huh?  See what I mean about being economical?  If one gallon of bottled water is consumed 5 days a week, $5.55 has been spent compared to $.044!  In a year that results in a $265.72 savings!

Wow!  That’s enough to fill your pool!  Lets look on a bigger scale.  Using our rate schedule, filling a 25,000 gallon swimming pool results in a $136.90 water bill.  That same amount of bottled water at $1.11/gallon would cost $27,750!

I hope this has given you something to think about in the future.  This cost effective resource is available all the time!  All you have to do is turn on the tap!

Designed by Kentucky Rural Water