Save that Money!!

1. Save that Money!!

Don’t pay extra unnecessary fees!!  Paying your bill on time (before the 10th) saves you from a 10% penalty!!  Who wants to be out any more money than we have to be? I sure don’t.  MCWD#3 offers many different ways to pay the bill on...
New year……..New you

New year……..New you

I’m going to pay my bills on time this year!  How many times has that been said as a New Year’s resolution??  MCWD#3 office staff can help ensure that will be one resolution you can keep. Below...
Cold weather equals leaks

Cold weather equals leaks

So they come around every year……..fall & winter!!   These two seasons bring an abundance of calls into the office concerning customer water leaks.  The most common misconception perceived by...
Ways to Pay!

Ways to Pay!

Just sending out a friendly reminder of the many different ways to pay your bill each month!  Check out the list...
The Good…..The Bad……The Rate Increase!

The Good…..The Bad……Th...

Those two dreaded words……rate increase.  No one wants to hear those words.  Not even the water district.  However, inflation and other economic conditions warrant them.  To keep up with rising costs,...
World Water Day

World Water Day

Most of us in MCWD#3’s district take our drinking water for granted (me included).  I turn on the faucet and expect clean, safe, water to pour out.  Anything less would be unacceptable!  It is hard to...

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Muhlenberg Water District #3

PO Box 67
4815 Main St.
Bremen, KY 42325

Phone: 270-525-6333
Fax: 270-525-0025
After Hours: 270-543-4940

Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 7:30am-4:00pm

Online Bill Pay

District Calendar

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Designed by Kentucky Rural Water