Imagine a day without WATER!!!

Imagine a day without WATER!!!

Have you ever wondered what would happen for one day if water was unavailable?  Take a minute to just stop and think about it.  One day doesn’t sound like a big deal right???  How much do you value your water service that is readily available at your beck and call?  October 21, 2020 is a day set aside just for this reflection.  Lets see what would happen in a world without water for ONE day:

*Obviously, there are the impacts that directly affect us at home:  no cooking, bathing/hygiene, watering garden/lawn,  washing clothes.

*Your house may burn down!  Firefighters would not have the precious resource to protect your house, business, or land.

*Factories would close down for the day. Many use water in the production of their products in some way.

*Restaurants could not cook food or clean dishes.

*Increase of germ spreading would occur.  No water equals no 20 second germ killing hand washing.

*Hospitals/hotels would become unsanitary.  Dirty linens would mound up spreading diseases and germs.


Of course the list goes on and on.

So on Oct. 21, 2020, lets all stop and take a moment to be grateful for the wonderful, life sustaining resource we have at our fingertips.


Designed by Kentucky Rural Water